Tuesday, April 29, 2008

BBC Ice Cream, Wealth is of the what now?

So on my recent trip to New York I visited the newish BBC/Ice Cream store in SoHo.  Overall it's kinda cool, if you like their clothes, but thats not the point.  Halfway up those neon blue stairs you can see above is a neon sign with their lovely motto; "Wealth is of the Heart and Mind, Not the Pocket"  for a company selling $400 sweatshirts, that seems silly anyway.  But even worse, half a flight of steps up from this neon sign lies a pair of jeans on the back pocket of which is the word WEALTH.  Get it together guys, send a message or don't, but stop the bullshit.
p.s.  mind, heat, or pocket, you earned your money at the Glow in the Dark tour.

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